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Winter Solstice

Well, I'm writing a post about the shortest day of the year again. Astute readers will note that it is one of the few posts I've managed to get off my butt and write in the last year. Sorry about that. I hope you do continue to enjoy the archives, the pictures, and, of course, the Google Ads. This year, the shortest day of the year is December 22nd, according to my sources. Just two days away. I hope you have done all of your solstice shopping. Meanwhile, not to make anyone in the Northern Hemisphere too jealous, but the 22nd of December marks the beginning of summer in Australia. Surf's Up! Cowabunga!

desember 20, 2006 | Permalink


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Here are a bunch of nice links on the Solstice. I think it's a great time of year.. and technically, it is the new year. We should just really celebrate new year day on the 22nd. The First day after the shortest day.. It really just makes sense if you think about it.


Posted by: robert run | 20.12.2006 13:32:40

I really like your blog, I think you should post more often though! :)

Posted by: bonaventurefarms.net | 21.3.2007 01:18:26

Thanks for all the info on Iceland and sharing all that you have here.

Posted by: Barsawad | 27.4.2007 03:56:14

we like permafrost.

Posted by: abecedario | 19.2.2008 16:19:09

and thank you of course

Posted by: abecedario | 19.2.2008 16:20:49

I hope you update soon :-) I always enjoy your blog and the photos, and thought I'd post you a little comment here. I linked to you at http://goscandinavia.about.com/od/blogs/Blogroll_Blogs_About_Scandinavia_Scandinavians.htm

Thanks for an interesting blog,

About.com Scandinavia Travel
About.com Scandinavia Travel

Posted by: Terri / goscandinavia | 28.2.2008 16:40:50

Hola, saludos desde España... -mRoca- Manuel




Posted by: iddeau | 28.2.2009 18:35:27

Hola, saludos desde España... -mRoca- Manuel




Posted by: iddeau | 28.2.2009 18:39:25

Surfing through the internet and looking for information in the Google Ads is helpful to the reader. Beside from the ideas they learn, they will also enjoy the photos and collections. It seems that every idea is worth to be learned.

Posted by: Google Advertising | 2.2.2011 02:52:08

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