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The Longest Day of the Year

After spending quite a bit of time six months ago talking about the Shortest Day of the Year, I almost forgot to mention that today is the longest day of the year.

Hello Summer.

And how long is "the longest day of the year" in Reykjavik? Well, according to about.com, it is about 21 hours. Oh, and that link gives a few other locales as well, so happy searching.

So, enjoy the Summer Solstice! Here where I am it is a beautiful sunshiny day.

júní 21, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Festival of the Sea

If you're in Reykjavik this weekend you will undoubtedly run across the Festival of the Sea. If you are there, let us know how it goes. From reading a little about it it seems like a pleasant way to pass some time.

júní 7, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack