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I like this picture because it's not scenic or glamorous or stunning. It's simply a picture taken of Grettisgata from our Guesthouse balcony.
Grettisgata, which runs parallel to the main shopping street, is fairly typical as streets go. Some nice buildings, a couple interesting businesses, a fantastic guesthouse, and a number of average-looking buildings dominating the view.
Oh, and another thing I like about this photo is the sculpture off to the right of the picture (a bit above and to the right of the grill as you look at it). What does that look like to you?
maí 19, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
If You're Shopping
Good morning, dear reader. You may have noticed that I recently started displaying "Google ads" in my sidebar. So far I've been fairly happy with having them there--that is, no one has complained about them--although for awhile ads for Jimmy Buffett tickets kept coming up. That was a little annoying to us all I'm sure.
At any rate, you should check them out. All of the advertisers I've noticed seem to be decent and legitimate.
Oh, and above is an early morning picture of Reykjavik's main shopping street. And by "early morning" I of course mean 10 or 11 AM.
maí 7, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Reykjavik Arts Festival
It's time for the Reykjavik Arts Festival (May 14 through June 5). If you go please fill us all in on the highlights.
maí 2, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack