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Photo Op
One of the many great things about keeping this blog is that people send me links to beautiful photos of Reykjavik. Of course it makes me want to hop on the next flight out of Boston. But that's okay. I need to be prodded sometimes.
So, if you missed these links in my comments, here are some from the wonderful Gunnella and a whole lot from Pascal Fellonneau. If all these hundreds of beautiful photos from all over Iceland don't convince you of its beauty, perhaps you should go there yourself. Then you'll be convinced.
apríl 30, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
More Photos!
I've added a new photo album to the collection that you can find in the sidebar. The photo album Some Things to See in Reykjavik will give you a taste of our experience there. But these pictures really don't do Reykjavik justice. You simply have to see it for yourself.
apríl 18, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Hard to Miss
I do believe it's impossible for anyone to go to Reykjavik and be able to say when they get back home : "Hallgrimskirkja? No, I missed that." Whether or not you visit the church itself--or even head up the hill just to see the exterior--there's no missing this gigantic landmark. The funny thing is, one fellow traveller did point it out to us like he was sharing arcane knowledge of some well-hidden, off-the-beaten track locale. I have more to say about that guy, but I will resist for the moment.
One thing I will say though is that the trip to the top of Hallgrimskirkja is well worth the effort and the cost (which I don't remember--give me a break, this isn't "Let's Go Reykjavik" after all--but I don't think it was too expensive). We took some wonderful pictures from the tower. If you browse through some of the photos over there on the right hand side of the page, I'm sure you'll find at least a couple of them.
apríl 15, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack
Never Mind the Waterfalls, Here's Gulfoss
I was looking through some of my many pictures of Iceland and was struck by the profound beauty of this one. If you go to Iceland you must visit Gulfoss. Even if you're the sort of person who avoids that which is "touristy" you simple must experience one of the world's most stunning waterfalls.
I'm amazed I got this or any other pictures of the waterfall. The day we were there was "windy"--that is, gale-force windy--and by the time we got to this vantage point our clothes were soaked to the bone. I'm still in awe of the fact that we somehow kept the camera from becoming drenched by the stray spray of Gulfoss.
Once again, I'll take the opportunity to ask you, dear readers, if you'd like to contribute a post to this Iceland blog. Whether you live there or were just a visitor I know you have stories to tell the rest of us. All you have to do is email me and you too can be a part of this blog.
apríl 11, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack