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Here's a photo of a bit of Reykjavik graffiti. Tell me what street it is on and I'll give you a prize!*


*By prize, I don't mean anything valuable. Just maybe a mention in my blog that you got it correct or something like that. Or even, like, a free drink if you happen to visit western Massachusetts and look me up...

maí 10, 2004 | Permalink


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I'll disqualify myself, because I was there when the picture was taken ;).

Posted by: kb | 10.5.2004 15:34:23


Posted by: Audi | 11.5.2004 15:10:31

Yay! Audi got it!

Yes, good old Grettisgata graffiti.

So, Audi, stop by our place and collect your free drink anytime you'd like!! I might even pay for two.

Posted by: Joe | 12.5.2004 08:40:18

will do :)

Posted by: Audi | 12.5.2004 10:19:00

Audi, is the graffiti still there? Does it look the same?

Posted by: kristen | 12.5.2004 14:59:46

I dunno. I only knew it was Grettisgata cause it says so on one of the other photos :) Busted! But I'll check for you next time I pass through :)

Posted by: Audi | 12.5.2004 21:03:06

Ha! That's hilarious. You could have lied and I never would have known the difference. You're too honest.

Posted by: kristen | 15.5.2004 18:34:09

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