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Where Have I Been?

To all my regular readers, I apologize for the infrequent updating lately. I offer up all the usual excuses.

But, anyway, here is where I would like to be right nowfaq6.jpg. While I'm dreaming of tasty coffees and cigarettes, I'd like to offer all of you, my dear readers, the opportunity to write a blog entry about Reykjavik. Whether you live there, have visited, or just like writing about places you've never been, I'd love to be able to post your thoughts on Reykjavik here on my blog.

So, if you are interested, email me or leave a comment below. Thanks.

febrúar 5, 2004 | Permalink


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I'd love to! I have to think about a topic, though. Hmmmmmm........

Posted by: Kristen | 8.2.2004 10:33:08

I can't wait!!! Thanks!

Anyone else innarested??

Posted by: Joe | 9.2.2004 12:17:54

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