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The Cod Wars

Here's an interesting piece Atl_Cod.jpgof Icelandic history: the Cod Wars. These wars were fought with England over fishing rights--and quite successfully I might add. I'm sure most people here in the USA have never heard of these wars. Myself, I don't know too much about them except for what I've read in books, so I'll let a few links do the talking.

Here's a web site that I never expected I would visit: yes, it's the web site dedicated to the Trawler Support Vessel "m. v. Miranda".

And another light read on the subject: "The Exclusive Fishing Zones and the Iceland Cod Wars".

And, in case you're looking for a good "beach book" this summer, this one should be perfect.

Oh, and once you've read this article on "British Policies Toward Scandinavia" please send me a summary.

And, finally, if you've weathered my almost interesting Internet findings, you can click here for the ultimate word on the subject.

If anyone, anyone out there has any interesting links about the Cod Wars or has anything at all to say, please do. We're all waiting with bated breath.

janúar 30, 2004 | Permalink


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This is the only war Iceland has ever participated in, well it was anyway until our stupid goverment supported the war against Iraq. Our proud little island hearts beat a bit faster when we read the glorified stories how David beat Goliat but the average brit has never even heard about this "quarrel" between the two nations

Posted by: Audi | 31.1.2004 08:49:24

Hi :-) Yup, we fought the Brits and won, by snipping at their nets (anyone have the mental images of mowquitoes attaching a bear ;-) and generally being stubborn as hell. Thought you might like the pics I took today down by the harbour.....

Posted by: Gunnella | 1.2.2004 13:17:37

Gunnella, those are wonderful pictures! Thanks so much for pointing them out.

Posted by: Joe | 2.2.2004 10:41:51

And we where both in NATO and NATO did not assisst Iceland when England attaked in the cod war.

Posted by: Dassi | 13.4.2004 14:46:21

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