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The Battle of Holyoke
Well, things didn't end well for Dee's team tonight. The Battle of Holyoke is over for the MD boys. But that's okay. For a C Division team playing a B Division squad you probably couldn't expect much else. I think Dee had a good season. Some great defense, a good number of points (considering his team's inability to pass inside). All in all, a good year.
So, now we're on to baseball. Last year, as you regular readers know, Dee played on the championship team, whose 20-0 record is a rare triumph in the competitive world of the HYBL. This year, he's hoping to play for a different team--one that a friend's father is coaching. I hope he's happy with not being part of a youth baseball juggernaut.
I don't know if I spelled 'juggernaut' correctly, but I'm too tired to check.
Packy will also be playing some baseball. It'll be great to see the little man out there as part of a team. He's a natural lefty, so I'm thinking he'll be drafted by the pros in a year or two.
I have a lot of other topics to cover, but for now I'll just say good night. Oh, and, two weeks to the parade! Woot woot!
March 3, 2007 | Permalink
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