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I'm a Suckah!

Well, I had a whole other blog written, waiting to be formatted, but I think I'll write what I'm writing now instead. It doesn't really matter what I write about anyway--precious few people even bother reading my blog nowadays. But that's okay.

Okay, so first of all, I'm a suckah! In the past two days, two people have hit me up for money that wouldn't be paid back and both times I was more than happy to help out. One person I knew; one I didn't. At any rate, I hope the karma gods noted those transactions so that I can in some way cash in on my niceness and all.

I had written a lot about the skunk. But I think you've heard enough about it anyway.

Tonight I went to B's and E's (these are both places and not people) and had yet another surreal experience. If noogies hadn't been part of the night I wouldn't know what else to say. But all in all a nice night.

And so I'll move on. I saw the boys for a while today. They played in the park while I hung out with the other parents. When they decided to play a game there (capture the flag) and found two empty water bottles on the ground to use as flags, I knew that I wouldn't be all "north of route 9" and make them immediately turn that into a recycling moment. Gotta love living in Holyoke. They played in the mud and muck and loved it.

Well, that's all for now except to say that my next happy thing involves Jane's Addiction!

March 14, 2007 | Permalink


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