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I Can't Believe
I can't believe that I'm writing yet another post about Amazing Race, especially since I had thought that Sigh Club had given the best and final word on the experience. But I do have one final final thing to point out.
I guess I shouldn't have been surprised this morning when I found an email in my mailbox from Icelandair--and it of course was pimping their "You can follow the Amazing Race route too!" tour. It seems sometimes that nothing, nothing happens in Iceland unless it has a tie-in to an Icelandair promotion. I bet if you looked back to the era of the Reagan-Gorbachev* talks you could get an Icelandair package that involved having your own Cold War summit in Reykjavik.
But I guess that's okay. If riding a snowmobile and then sleeping in a tent on a glacier is for you, rock on hearty traveler. And always remember, Icelandair has something for you.
Oh, and one final Amazing Race note--one of my favorite parts was when the older couple were trying to ask for directions and after talking to several young people said something like "oh my, they're all ripped."
*can you believe I spelled his name right without having to look it up?! Two bonus points for me!
November 18, 2004 | Permalink
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