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How to Get a Gatorade Stain Out of a Kitchen Countertop While Only Somewhat Damaging Other Things in the Process
So, after a tiring afternoon of mini-golfing, I did what any good, loving parent would do: I took a nap while the kids watched their favorite violent cartoons. One thing I discovered while doing that was that one of the couch's smells a lot like the boy's dog, George.
No, people, I am not making that part up. The dog's name is indeed George and has been for years. To any George's out there, I apologize for the offense. This is as opposed to my less favorite brother who, I believe, named his current dog after an ex-girlfriend. Anyway, how the dog got his name is a long, mythological adventure which I will not go into here--because this is merely an aside, although you might be thinking to yourself that this was going to be the best part of this yawner of a blog entry.
At any rate, I dozed off anyway...Okay, a few details to fill you in on while I'm dozing: after golf, the boy's got Gatorades; Packy tried Dee's leading Dee to utter the quote of the day (so far): Packy, don't snot into my Gatorade!" which he was indeed doing.
So, while lost in my slumber I hear Packy say: "Dee, I poured my Gatorade into a cup!" Normally, this would lead to a "get up and check" moment, but, being awfully sleepy, instead I thought to myself: "Aw, how sweet, he's growing up."
Fast forward to me getting up twenty minutes later, walking into the kitchen and finding a puddle of orange Gatorade on the countertop with a drenched paper towel on it, well actually just kinda in it. So, as I clean it up I quickly discover that orange Gatorade stains like some CFUS and that this whole "poured some Gatorade on my own" won't look as much like a becoming-a-man milestone as I would like it too when I try to explain away the huge, orange stain. So I try some Oxy Magic stain remover on it--no effect. Then I pull out the big gun--Lysol with Bleach--and that cleans it up quite nicely, except for the small detail of how I used a little too much perhaps and when I was wiping it, some of it kind of splattered onto the painted wood bench. And let me tell you, what your mama told you about bleach and colorful items is true. Including painted things. Oh man. But, after this I notice that the cat, who is named after an obscure Italian soccer star, has--while I've been cleaning--been eating the boneless buffalo wings that I brought over today because I knew that otherwise I'd be having Lunchables or something for lunch. I don't even want to think about the after-effects of that.
So, I went upstairs and reminded Packy to let someone know if there was a spill and he said he'd taken care of it mostly and I thanked him for that because I love him like crazy.
August 30, 2004 | Permalink
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This is the best story in the history of forever. I love google. I SHALL READ THIS BLOG!
Posted by: Frazz | Mar 3, 2009 11:16:02 PM
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